Wednesday 16 March 2011

Target audience bio

My target audience is males and females aged 18-25 that are mainly single and looking to impress, generally living with their parents earning between 400-1200 a month and spending 90% of their spare money on car parts or modifications. They will mainly be mechanics or in jobs that deal with working on cars, will have no children and no responsibilities to think of, they would be laid back and not wanting responsibilities with a care free attitude. They would mostly live in large cities where cars are a thing of desire rather than need. Their interests or hobbies would be thinking of new things to create on their cars, going to car shows and cruises, and also spending money on things that are not needed. The people I am targeting would be going into college or first time car owners who have lots of friends and wish to impress/show off. They would also be a risk taker and over spender so they would go anywhere for inspiration.

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